Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I am trying an new plan. Not really, just more of a strict version of the old. I better lose more than 2 pounds a week though. I'd need a steady 3 to stick with this / keep my motivation and will power up.

Of course, since I am losing NOTHING, maybe I should be happy with 2.

I'm wondering if this has to do with quitting smoking -- that I can't seem to lose it. I don't know.

Anyway, my new plan is.......ketosis.

Before anyone panics, all that means is your body is using stored fat for energy. You have to deprive it of carbs (its usual energy source) and eat enough protein that its not turning to muscle. Most low carb diets have this in mind, BUT many of them don't go low enough or if you give yourself a carb treat even one day a week, you can defeat the whole purpose -- what I believe has been happening to me.

It takes several hours to up to 3 days to enter Ketosis, so

Friday night, Pizza, I exit Ketosis, I don't resume low carb diet till Monday.
By Wednesday or Thursday, I enter Ketosis, and less then 2 days later, it's Friday night and I exit again.

So....I will be eating no carbs this weekend. That will be hard. The only way I will be able to do this for 2 months and 17 days if is if I am losing 3 pounds a week. Once I get out of the 150's, I will be much more motivated as well. DH first met me at 147. My goal is AT LEAST 137 by wedding, though I am really hoping for 127 (hey, the camera adds 10 pounds). The weight I hope to be able to maintain is 137. (I'd love to maintain 127, I just don't think I can get my body to naturally maintain that.)

As for health risks / isn't Ketosis dangerous, etc., etc. -- No. Well, if you're diabetic you could run into some problems. But no, not really. There's alot of confusion surrounding it, but ketosis just means your body is producing more ketones than normal and those that it doesn't need it expels as waste, through urine and breath. to the stone for some breath mints and ketostix (50 sticks for $15, you pee on it and if it turns purple, you are in Ketosis. Seeing that little stick is going to help me over the weekend say no to all carbs*).

I really, REALLY hope I lose more than 2 pounds a week. 2 pounds is what a normal diet and exercise is supposed to do. I would hate to forgo ALL sugar and all drinking and all breads and past and pizza just to lose the same as what normal people on normal diets lose. *sigh*

*One must stay under 30 carbs to enter Ketosis, during the week I eat under 20; over the weekend I will stay under 30 and check with the Ketostix to ensure I am not eating too much.

PS -- I just remembered it's my birthday tomorrow and friday night me, DH and whole bunch of friends are going to outback, my favorite restaurant, where I am getting coconut shrimp, bloomin onion, cocktails, and dessert. *sigh*.

Ok, AFTER that, I will not be eating carbs until goal weight.


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