Saturday, August 7, 2010

The Move and The New Home

It took over a week before I had Internet and by that time I had a million things to catch up with as far as wedding plans are concerned. And sooooo much has happened since of which I will probably spread out over a few posts so as not overwhelm.

There are still boxes everywhere. Well, not quite as everywhere as before. It was horrid though. Not only was there everything I had accumulated over the last 10 years, but then there was all my boyfriend's stuff...boxes upon stacked boxes which had been living in my basement, dining room and garage since he moved here from Colorado to be with me.

We rented a 26 foot truck (the largest they had) and still everything didn't fit. The temperature was 100 on moving day with a heat index/humidity of 105. It was horrid. My three closest friends (one girl, two guys) were the only ones who really helped. One is my bridesmaid and one my grooms man (my poor DF's friends are all in the west).

Anyway, it was just a nightmare. I had been really hoping to get everything organized and put away before my son got back, but alas, he was homesick, and I missed him, and he couldn't take being at my mother and sister's anymore, so he came back to box city.

Even now, his room isn't done. And DF would really like me to get on that too, because the longer my son lives in a mess in the new place, the quicker it will always stay that way and it will look like his old room.

The Living Room is mostly done and looking quite lovely. All that is left is several more boxes of books which we need to sort through and decide which will go on the remaining book shelves and which ones will be boxed up and stored since there is no more room.

The Dining is done -- ya! -- except that my china (in the two boxes sitting on one of my kitchen counters) needs to go in the buffet.

The Kitchen is mostly done (finished up yesterday) except for a stack of pots and pans that need to be washed. Some of the cupboards and drawers need to be organized, but the counters are now clear. (They had been full to overflowing with all my and DF's combined kitchen stuff).

Den -- the room in which I am in, which is more of an alcove off the living room, is mostly organized except for the boxes of books that will belong on my desk (reference and how-to write books). But obviously, I have Internet -- finally!

Bathrooms -- not organized, and a mess

Bedrooms -- all three (mine, DF's, and son's) are a mess.

Mine is allowed to be as its a storage room until I am able to go through everything and clear it out to make a studio as it will only be my bedroom for another 4 weeks -- yea!!!!!

DF's is a mess because I haven't gone through the clothes yet, so there are just boxes of clothes and piles of clothes everywhere.

Son's is a mess because I haven't organized it first run through and we had been waiting forever for his bookshelf clips which got lost in the packing but are now found and he has some overflow from my room that's crept in. Also, he doesn't have a dresser yet as his old one didn't come on the move.

After losing my house, I am trying to look at this place like a really grand/luxury apartment. It's technically a townhouse, but it is not a house, not when you are used to living on a street in a neighborhood. This place is a complex, and I am in the middle, (not facing a street), and the car is a bit of a walk away and in a parking lot. It's just quite different. INSIDE, however, is much prettier than my house could ever been and bigger. My house was very, very tiny and falling apart. So when I am inside, it feels really nice. But when I try and talk about it and "house" comes out of my mouth, there is a twinge, because it's not a house. Some of my friends have called it an apartment too, so it definitely does not say house. :(

It's just hard.

But there is alot of good on the inside. Room. Space. Beauty. Central Air. All these things are new to me. It really is a step up. Not sure what that says about me. :( really is very pretty and spacious. I will post pics when everything is done.

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