Amazingly, I somehow managed to run my first 5k race under 30 minutes. That was my goal, but since I run a 12 minute mile every day I run, I never thought I could shave 6 minutes off my time. First off, it was very hard (and very hot). My breathing was labored almost from the beginning because I literally ran as far as I could before I walked to catch my breath. I have no idea how long I ran, but when I usually run, the longest I ever do at one time is 1/10th of a mile.
I kept this one girl in my sights even though she was pretty far ahead of me. I kept catching up to her, but then I would have to walk and ended up falling behind. This happened over and over again, until I got frustrated and passed her. Then amazingly, I never saw her again.
But then as I kept running, and walking, different groups of girls would come out of nowhere and pass me. So then I was like, oh no you don't, and would push myself to run. Again and again.
At the end, my breathing was so hard, and face felt like it was burning, and these two girls kept coming up beside me, and I was like, I have not done this for this long and this hard for you to pass me, and I just started running faster. Then I finally saw the 3 mile marker and started sprinting as fast as I could....or so I thought.
Then I saw the clock at the finish line and it AMAZINGLY said 29-something minutes, and at THAT point I ran as fast as I bloody could. According to my chip, my time was 29:35.
I was breathing so hard after I was done, and trying to talk to my husband and son who were waiting for me, that one of the race officials thought i was having an asthma attack. I laughed and told her I was fine, that I'd just smoked for 17 years.
I was stoked. I couldn't believe I made my goal -- quite an unrealistic goal. I ended up placing 7th in my division (females 30-39). I hope that's good.
For my first race, I'm pretty proud. :)
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