Best Body Image Boosters

This is a compilation of the excerpts from best body image posts on my blog.

I love this video and hope it boosts your body image/self-esteem as it did mine. I've supported Dove by buying their products for years, a percentage of which funds their self-esteem workshops and real beauty campaign. 

Australian Scientists discover men prefer average women over models:

A University of NSW researcher, Robert Brooks, said he had been surprised to find that the "supposedly super-attractive" professionals had a less popular figure than the girl next door, [and] their slimness appeared to have counted against them.

Professor Brooks and his team asked 100 men to judge the attractiveness of 201 line drawings of female torsos. The most preferred waist-to-hip ratio was close to 0.7, but only if the rest of the body proportions were average, they found.

The vital statistics of the different professional groups and normal Australian women were then compared with these shape preferences.

Furthest from the men's ideal were the Playboy centrefolds, 1990s models and women advertising on two Australian escort websites. Models from the 1920s, who were more curvy, fared better.

This Is NOT In -- So Say Men.

While American women see super-thin stick models and feel unattractive and unhappy about their average or curvy bodies, men don't feel the same way. Fully 80 percent of men ages 18 to 50 say they want a voluptuous woman.

"We're being lied to everyday. The fashion industry and Hollywood have spread the myth that men want skinny, anorexic-looking women," asserts Hayssen. "The truth is it's plus size or curvy women who are considered beautiful."

That sentiment was echoed in a recent poll of 4,000 adults conducted by British weekly magazine Grazia to find out the ultimate attractive man and woman. Men overwhelmingly said they are most attracted to women who have curves, rather than skinny women, and prefer brunettes with "long, wavy hair." And 78 percent said a woman's most attractive feature is her smile.

On Yahoo Answers

8 Months Ago:

Do men prefer a curvy hourglass figure or a slim petite figure?

Best Answer:
Hourglass ... without a doubt!
"Does my bum look big in this?" ... Hell yes! I like it!