Delta Style: Eve Wasn't a Size 6 and Neither Am I
by Delta Burke, Alexis LipsitzList
Appearance Obsession
by Joni Johnston. Explores the link between self-esteem and appearance. Addresses appearance expectations of boys and girls, risk factors for eating disorders, and many exercises and questions that challenge society, as well as the reader's mindset and beliefs regarding appearance.
Nothing To Lose
by Cheri Erdman. A book that questions the idea that overweight is inherently bad. It speaks of the author's own struggle and process to come to a state of acceptance of her own body shape and size. Exercises in the book encourage readers to change or challenge their own mind set regarding body size as well.
Full Lives
by Lindsey Hall. A compilation of interviews and stories of women who have freed themselves from the weight/food obsession. The stories collected here are written by best selling authors on the topic, trained clinicians, speakers and directors of national associations.
Shadow On A Tightrope
edited by L. Schoenfielder & B. Wieser. A collection of articles, personal stories and poems by fat women about their lives and the fat-hating society in which they live. Facts and personal experiences question prejudice and offer ideas regarding size acceptance.
Overcoming Fear of Fat
by L. Brown and E. Rothblum. This book broaches the subject of prejudice against fat. Experts, including therapists and activists, offer personal and political analyses, as well as strategies to rid oneself of fat oppressive attitudes. A focus on struggle for self-worth and respect no matter what your size is.
When Women Stop Hating Their Bodies
by J. Hirschmann & C. Munter. Case examples as well as ideas on how to re-learn to eat what we want, legalizing foods, and to stop dieting forever.
Making Peace With Food
by Susan Kano. A Workbook that is aimed to let the reader discover her body's hunger cues, emotional cues and encourages to let go of dieting mentality.
Transforming Body Image
by Marcia Hutchinson. Different exercises and meditations that are used to raise awareness regarding one's body and to start accepting and loving its shape or size.
If Life Is a Game, These Are The Rules
By Cherie Carter-Scott